Monday, June 13, 2011

From the Mountainous Land to the Land of Sky Tinted Waters

I've said all my goodbyes and packed my bags.  A dear friend drove me to the airport yesterday morning where I waited in line after line to leave the country I am called to serve to return to Minnesota for a time.  My trial period is over and I have discovered many things.  The first is that I am definitely called to serve the Lord in Haiti.  The second is that I will be moving to a new ministry when I return to Haiti. I will miss my kids and girls at Canaan, but I know that God is moving me in a new direction.  There are many other things that I have learned that I will be writing about more later as well!  I already miss Haiti and my dear friends there so much!

Friends, my time back here in the states is going to be busy with a variety of things from doctor's appointments, meetings, and family time to paperwork, visiting churches, and travelling.  I am going to be needing your prayers and support as I continue to serve the Lord--for this time stateside--and get ready to transition to a new place in Haiti.  While I am here, I would love to hear from you!  I would love to share with you about what God has been doing and how you can be more involved in what He will continue to do through me and in spite of me in Haiti.  If you have a church, youth group, or small group that would like to hear about Haiti, I would be happy to share if I possibly can!  Please email me or leave a comment here if you would like to hear more from me.

This time will be busy, but I want to share with as many people as possible about God's faithfulness and His love for the people of the world while I am in the states!  I have meetings starting this morning and need many prayer warriors.  The first couple of days back are usually the hardest because of the change in location, environment, and tasks.  These particular first couple of days are going to be hard because of scheduling as well!  Please be praying for me!  I look forward to seeing many of you soon!

1 comment:

  1. It was a treat seeing you last night and having breakfast at Praying that God will meet your every need 100 times over.Love you tons!
