Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Man with Heart

Last week with our team, we served with a man Almando and I love dearly.  His name is Pastor Jacky and he is the kind of guy you call when you are having a hard day.  He is the guy Almando calls "My heart" because Pastor Jacky has a lot of heart.

We met Pastor Jacky a long time ago it seems.  He is like an uncle--he calls us his kids.  Last summer, we brought a group to serve at his church and he was so grateful for the help they were able to give and the ministry they had with the kids.  Last week, it was a smaller team made up of college students from the south and "farmers" from the north.  It was a joy to see them serving together and hearing them talk about Pastor Jacky.  Many of them wanted to take him home with them because he is such a passionate, joy-filled preacher who walks completely by faith.

On the first day of "work" on the trip, it was almost lunch time and the team had been passing bucket after bucket of sand to use for cement later in the week.  Pastor Jacky came to me when lunch was ready and asked me if the team had finished washing their hands to be ready to eat.  I told him we had used Germ-X.  He looked at me and told me that Germ-X wouldn't be good enough.  He would bring water and soap to wash their hands.

About 5 minutes later he came back and said he was ready.  The team lined up and were amazed--as I was--as Pastor Jacky stood over a basin with a gallon of water, a bar of soap, and a towel.  He washed their hands.  It reminded me of the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet.  He washed our hands and it was a blessing to have clean smelling, dirt-free hands before lunch.

This man has heart.  This man has vision.  This man has faith.  He knows he is nothing without God.  We are so blessed to know Pastor Jacky and to serve along side him and encourage him in the ministry God has entrusted to him. May his life continue to be reflecting the God he serves.

Pray for Pastor Jacky, his wife, their 4 kids and the ministry God has given to them.  They have many challenges, but they know they serve a great God!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Busy Days!

Hello friends!

Almando and I are leading trips this week, so these are busy days with finalizing logistics and spending time in fellowship with the team and the community we are partnering with.  Please check out what our teams are up to by clicking Here! 

There are always challenges during these weeks, so be praying for us and that we find enough time for each other as well as for the ministry.