If you are wondering what you can do or how you can partner with this mission that we have been called to, we would ask you to do one thing: PRAY! Pray that God would be glorified above all else. Pray that He would provide for every need. And pray that we would continue pointing to Him no matter what. If, after praying, you feel led to simply pray for us, we are in need of fierce prayer warriors fighting for us.
If you feel led to give financially, there are several ways to give:
- Send a Check!
- Make your check out to "Praying Pelican Missions"
- Make sure you somehow attach a note stating my name (but do NOT write it in the memo line of your check): Almando and Cassie Jean Louis
- Mail the check to:
Praying Pelican Missions
4899 Miller Trunk Hwy. Suite 216
Duluth, MN 55811
- Make a one time or monthly donation via PayPal by:
- Clicking HERE
- Scroll down to find our name: Almando and Cassie Jean Louis
- Click either "Donate" for a one time donation or select the amount monthly you would like to donate and click "Subscribe"
- Fill out the information and submit

"The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."
1 Thessalonians 5:24