I figure because it is one my last days in Haiti, I should wake up and blog this morning. The last few days have been interesting to say the least! We finished school by having the kids clean it on up and then we had cupcakes--some made from a mix but most we made from scratch! Yummy! Props to Naomi for bringing the mix and the recipes we would need. We sang and prayed and the kids were out of school by 10:30 on Tuesday morning. That was the day I told them I was leaving. And then...I cried...
Yesterday was full of surprises! After falling asleep at 6:30pm on Tuesday night you would think that I would wake up refreshed...not so much...but I hit the ground running. Went to Rousseau to help with Mamba--the malnutrition program here. The drive was beautiful on a crazy road! We got there and some kids got checked to see if they qualified for the program and others were checked to see if the program was working. Not many came out though because of the rain. We arrived back at Canaan around 11...just enough time to start cleaning house before lunch! We even lit candles to make it smell extra clean...I remember lighting candles when I was cleaning many years ago. I loved how candles looked and smelled in a clean room.
After yummy tuna sandwiches for lunch, we had to make a run to the clinic to measure a building and bring stuff down. While we were there, we were told that our elderly gardener man had fallen. We went with the truck to pick him up and bring him down to the clinic. After the doctor saw him and he received his medication, we brought him back up to Canaan and continued cleaning our house/packing.
It's crazy packing things up. You find things here and there and everywhere! I hope I don't forget anything...while packing I decided to write out Thank Yous to the different groups here at Canaan. I gave them to Sister Wenda last night along with the gifts my parents left for the staff--sorry Mom and Dad, I was really slow at getting those out. She didn't know I was leaving. She gave me two HUGE hugs and said she would miss me. And then...I cried...
During dinner, so many kids kept coming up and giving me cards, so I spent some time writing cards to those precious children. I love them all so much! They are so dear. Please join me in continuing to pray for them. Some letters were thanking me for being a good teacher and being patient with them. Some letters were about always making them smile. I hope they see it is God in me loving them and giving them these gifts of joy!
Sunday School Class--My Girls! |
Later last night, I went to my girls' house to sing a little and laugh a lot! It was so much fun to hang out with them! I am so blessed. Praise the Lord for what He has done and will continue to do here in Canaan. I have to remember that He brought me here for a season to love these kids and show them His love, but now He will continue to be with them as I leave and He will send someone else to love them and show them something new about God's love!