Monday, December 5, 2011

Ordering Orange Juice and Other Blessings

The 24 hours before I travel always seem to be some of the most stressful hours I experience.  The 24 hours before I left Minnesota today were no exception.  Yesterday was going to be a busy day.  I began the day early because I couldn't sleep.  I decided to write thank you cards and put Christmas music on my iPod--both good things.  A great way to start my morning.  Going to church was refreshing and then I got to mom and dad's.

We were going to be celebrating Christmas as a family prior to my leaving, so yesterday was that day.  I, being the procrastinator that I am, had everything laid out that I needed to pack, but hadn't put it in my suitcase.  I rushed to the kitchen to gather my remaining various electrical cords and proceeded to knock my iPod off the counter.  It shattered on impact.  This little gadget is super helpful for work and communicating with people while I am in Haiti.  I was super bummed, but somehow--by some miracle, I got it replaced before dinner.  I'm gonna say that was a huge blessing from God.

Later, after a fantastic time of food, fun, and fellowship with the family and some emotional goodbyes, I found that I couldn't find my passport.  Uh-oh.  That's a frustrating and stressful thing--especially when I thought I knew where it was.  For the calm of some fabulous family members and the sorting through all of my stuff, I am truly grateful.  They looked in places I wouldn't have thought of, then Josiah--my new brother-in-law--found it in a notebook. I have no idea how it got there, but I do know that I am glad we found it.  Another HUGE blessing!

So, this brings me to today.  After another almost sleepless night (even though I went to bed around 10:30, it was around 3:10 am when I prayed to have just one good hour of sleep), I woke up early and finished things up and headed out the door with my dad.  It was time to go.  Hours of driving and running errands ended at the airport when I said my last goodbye to the best dad a girl could ask for.  He walked me in and carried my luggage--one bag weighing in at 43 pounds and the other at exactly 50.  He even had to carry my pink coat that I left behind as he walked back to the truck.  I am blessed.  Thank you, God.

I checked my facebook from the airport and a friend who I hadn't seen in over 5 years was at the airport at the same time.  We got to talk for a while and reflected on how God truly does lead us to where we need to go.  With me, it is Haiti.  With her, it is Texas.  What a blessing to be able to share some down time with a friend from so long ago and see how God has worked in our lives.

To the orange juice.  God blessed me with some amazing sleep on the airplane.  I got on, sat down, and promptly fell asleep.  I don't remember taking off.  I don't remember landing.  I do remember ordering orange juice and falling back to sleep before the flight attendant could hand it to me.  She had to practically shake me awake to get me to take it.  I drank it quickly and was sleeping again.  I remember little else.  When you have had the 24 hours I have had, that kind of sleep on an airplane is a HUGE blessing--even if I probably shouldn't have ordered orange juice in the first place.  I am glad it is what I remember from my flight.

God pours out blessings in big things and in little things.  I am so glad He does.  I am looking forward, now, to arriving in Haiti tomorrow morning and jumping into ministry and life.  I still can't believe that this is my life.  This is what it looks like.  This is what God has called me too.  He doesn't need us.  He just chooses to use sinners to serve Him and somehow make His name great!  I am praying that I will seek Him more, love Him more, and serve Him more each day.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is Alleluia! I knew God would meet your needs. Glad you got to meet with your friend...Can't wait to hear from you again.
