Friday, September 9, 2011

Why does it feel like....

With only a week and three days until I return to Haiti, why does it feel like I have so much to do and so little time to do it, but when I actually sit down to crank some work out--it doesn't feel like as much?  Am I missing something here?  I toss and turn all night long and when I wake up after another bad dream, I sing "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" and quote Psalm 116:7 which says, "Return, oh my soul, to your rest for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."  Why does if feel like from every angle things are getting out of control and I wake up feeling confused and heavy-hearted, but when I actually think through the things that I need to do and the people I need to be in contact with, it doesn't seem so bad?  Why does it feel this way?  Why am I feeling like I am up against a wall?  

I have a theory.  I ask you to pray.  My list includes things like connecting with pastors I have visited this summer, packing, working on a variety of projects from for Haiti Christian Orphanage, sharing with a few more churches, and dealing with financials among other things.  This IS quite a bit when you try to fit things into a short amount of time, but I know that God is in control.  Reminding myself of that when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious is a struggle.  I believe that Satan is piling a few things and reminders of his own on me and trying to discourage me.  Friends, my dear brothers and sisters, PRAY!  

Pray that God would protect me--and I know He will.  Pray the my eyes be completely focused on Him.  Pray that I would lay down my life and follow Him daily--as we are all to be doing just that.  Pray that God would guide my steps and my thoughts.  Pray that I would be in the Word often so I can use my sword!

Friends, why does it feel like I am being attacked?  It's because I am.  Please be praying for me as I prepare to go and as I stand on the promises that are in God's Word.  He has dealt bountifully with me.  His goodness and  faithfulness and mercy and love is truly undeniably amazing.  May He be praised above all things.  May He be glorified in this time of preparation.  

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