Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Logistics, Details, and Trust

During those last weeks and now days of preparation to head back to Haiti, there always seem to be many logistics that need to fall into place, details that must come together, and I always seem to re-learn that lesson of trusting God with everything.  All this is for His glory and His will will be done!  I just seem to forget that from time to time.  With only days left before returning to Haiti--for a short 6 weeks--my head has been hurting with the things left to figure out.  

So often, I feel as though I am doing this alone, but I know that is not true.  I am not alone because God is with me.  I know that I am not fighting alone because you, my dear brothers and sisters, are fighting with me in prayer!  Thank you for praying.  Thank you for fighting the battle with me!  God remains faithful and full of mercy, grace, and love as always!  

It is so good to remember the goodness and steadfastness of God and cling to His Word!  How good He is!  There are a lot of details that need to fall into place still, but I am trusting that God will continue to work as He has in the past.  With Him, things just seem to work out, even if it doesn't work out the way we think it should.  I think back to a post I wrote about 8 months ago called "Orchestra Hall" and remember then that I was standing in awe of how God works.  God hasn't changed and I must remain in that attitude of being in awe of my King who has all the details worked out; Who knows how things will look from point A to point B, and Who deserves all the honor, glory and praise for Who He is...and what He does for His children!

I trust that He will continue to work every detail out for His glory.  Please, continue to pray!

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