Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Very Busy Week and Fantastic Weekend!

Last week was so busy, dear friends!  Being a principal is HARD WORK.  Besides that, I am just too nice!  Here are a couple of things that happened:

On Monday, kid after kid was brought to me or came to me saying, "Miss Cassie, I am sick."  Some were sent to the clinic, others looked sick enough to be sent home.  Later that day, most of them were running around happy as can be.  I was taken.  The next day, instead of sending people home to rest or even sending them to the clinic, I put a little foam mat on the floor of the office and said that they could rest there.  One student laid on the mat for about 5 minutes and then went back to class.  Another student slept for an hour and went back to class smiling away.  I was not taken again.  

Stress levels get high during detention!  I had between 8 and 15 kids in "detention"/after school homework time every day.  That is intense.  There are kids that have to be there and kids that want to be there.  Who do you help first?  Who do you get set up?  Who has to wait to get your attention?  Why is that kid out of his desk again?  Why has that student only done one problem in an hour?  How do you answer all the kids when you hear "Miss Cassie"  "Miss Cassie"  "Miss Cassie"  "Miss Cassie" coming from so many kids that you love so dearly?  It's so hard to get the kids to settle down.  It's even harder to figure out how long they should be staying.  10-11 hour days can no longer be an option for me or for Amber who has been so kind to help me out.  Praying that this week detention would be less frequently attended and that homework would go quickly for the kids.  

After a long week, a welcome break on Saturday afternoon.  A blessing!  We have some visitors at Canaan who decided to treat us to the afternoon at the beach followed by an amazing dinner.  We even got STEAK! It's been a long time!  I read a book in the sun and went for a swim and didn't think about all the work that had to be done.  I really needed this break, friends.  I was thanking God for the time of rest...even though I had to be talked into going.  

Today, after church, I spent time writing devotionals for the school.  I find that time to be so relaxing, even if it does take a long time.  I get to spend good time in God's Word.  After relaxing (and working--but only a little) and refreshing weekend, I think I am ready to do this again.  As I typed that, I literally took a deep breath.  

Keep praying for me friends!  Pray I would have wisdom to lead, teach, and discipline these children of God. Pray that I would continue to be a light!  And pray that God would continue to lead and guide me as I seek His will in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Godspeed, Cassie! Praying for you and your ministry to the children.
