Thursday, April 7, 2011

Worlds Colliding and Other Thoughts

It has been far too long since I have written. Life here has gotten a little hectic with my parents coming and going, my visiting another ministry, and a fair going on here at Canaan. Busy busy busy. It's 5 am and I am getting my day started. I am hearing the dogs barking and mosquitoes humming in my ear. I am thinking of you, friends and family, and am praying that you are remembering me and praying for me even though it's been a while since you have heard from me.

Last week, my parents came to Haiti to see where I am serving and try to figure out why I love this place so much. The best answer to the second part is that God put Haiti in my heart. And He did. I love my parents a lot and miss my church, family, and friends, but—after almost two months here—my calling remains sure. I believe that God has called me here and will keep directing me as I glorify His name.

A couple things that come to mind as I think of my worlds colliding:
  • I never want to take for granted the beauty that surrounds me.
  • Worship can and does transfer languages and cultures.
  • There are things like a good washing machine that I used to take for granted, but do not really miss all that much.
  • Electricity is not a necessity. It is a luxury.

    Today is my birthday and I have been wished "Happy Birthday" so many times and know that today is going to be a very good day!  God has blessed me with so much this year and I can't wait to see what He will do with the next one!  Will update you all more later on events and happenings and what God is doing soon!  Keep praying dear friends!  God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to be able to visit you and see where you live and the people you love. We have very vivid memories. And we do remember the dogs barking...a lot...not one of dad's favorite memories. We will remember the times we had and the work we were able to share with you as little as it was. God is good. Love to you again on your Birthday.
