Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome to SNOW!

On Thursday, we flew into Minneapolis, MN and found a snowstorm waiting for us.  We thought we had missed winter completely, being towards the end of April and all, but we were wrong.  We definitely were not dressed for the weather as Al was wearing flip-flops (I did leave mine at home) and we only had light sweaters or sweatshirts for jackets, so we were incredibly grateful for my sister and her husband when they pulled up with a warm car, jackets, hats, mittens, socks and shoes--and for me Taco Bell!  Guess this is the end of a very long Minnesota winter.

Since we have been here, we were able to take a morning to make a snowman and an afternoon to stock up on slightly warmer clothing and shoes before hitting the road to head to Wishek, North Dakota where much more wind and snow were waiting for us along with loving brothers and sisters in Christ and rich German food.  This was part of a team which served with Pastor Jacky in January, so it was a blessing to see them again.  We were given plenty to eat as we talked about ministry and partnership and what the plan was for next January.  We felt at home.

Sunday morning, we were able to share more about what we do in Haiti and how we were called into the ministry and that was just during Sunday School.  During church, we mixed it up with a little Creole and English worship music and shared more about Praying Pelican Missions and their strategy of mission--which I believe is a great one:  always partnering with a local pastor and church to encourage and grow ministry that is already happening--this way when the team leaves, the ministry continues.

After a traditional, hearty potluck and a wonderful time of fellowship, it was time to say goodbye to our dear friends and get back on the road again.  While we were driving back towards Minnesota on a very straight and long road, we talked about how much we love sharing what the Lord is doing in Haiti and leading worship together.  We thank God for all the blessings He has given us and for the many blessings to come.

Now, we are taking a couple of days to rest.  Much needed rest here in snowy Minnesota.  Yes, there are still things we are working on here and there, but we know we need to rest.

Pray for us as we continue our journeys here in the states.  Pray that we do find enough rest to energize us for the busy summer ahead.  Pray that God continues to provide for our every need--even now, I think of one great need we have in Haiti as we continue to pray for a new vehicle.  Continue to pray with us friends!  Pray that we will enjoy our time here even with the snow!

Be Blessed!

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