Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Remember that Day.

When the earthquake hit Haiti on January 12, 2010 that left thousands and thousands of people dead, many more people injured, and a city filled with the dust of collapsed buildings I wasn't there.  I remember that day.  I remember getting a call from my boss.  I remember talking to my co-worker and friend, Jim, who had connections in Haiti.  I remember hearing from my grandpa that my missionary relatives in Haiti were okay.  I remember that day.  I remember it well.  I didn't know how much that day would change my life.  I didn't think it would really affect me.  But it did.

Praying Pelican Missions was praying about opening a new country in 2011:  Haiti.  The organization hadn't served in Haiti before the earthquake at all, but, after much prayer, we decided to move forward in planning trips the July of 2010.  A year earlier than we thought.  I volunteered to go help lead groups in Haiti in August that year.  I didn't know that God would call me to this place.  I had already been in Belize and Jamaica that spring and summer and I was ready to be home for a while, but it was time to go to Haiti.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 13, 2012
In those first days here, I found a great friend in Almando Jean Louis who is now my fiance.  He was here when that earthquake hit.  He has a story about that day.  He was spared along with his family on that day.  I've heard him tell the story several times.  I've heard him talk of the dust and the hope after the dust settled.  I've heard him talk about the fear people had and still have two years later of falling concrete.

I didn't think that January 12, 2010 would still have an impact on me, but it does.  It really does.  As I have been living in Haiti for a while now, each of my friends here have a story from that day.  Most of them were here. Almost all of them lost someone.  I remember that day, so do they.

January 12, 2012 marked the second anniversary of the earthquake and it was a day when shops and schools were closed and 4,000-5,000 people were remembering that day and praising the Lord for the life they have been given.  We heard testimonies of the rescued.  We heard shouts of praise to the King of Kings.

That day will be remembered for a long time.  That day will continue to impact the people of Haiti.  I remember that day.

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