Tuesday, November 19, 2013

True Partnership

The pastor called for offering.  But it wasn't just any offering.  The team was here.  The very first team that has partnered with this church through Praying Pelican Missions.  They were here to partner.  The pastor took that word very seriously.  He called for offering on Sunday.  An offering of cement, sand, time, labor, money, or whatever you could give.  One by one people raised their hands.  One gave a bag of cement.  One gave a load of sand.  Many others showed up to work throughout the week.  Partnership.  The team wasn't there to just do something FOR the church.  They were there to do something WITH the church.  The pastor knew this.  The pastor got it.

When we partner with a church, this is what we hope for:  True partnership.  Almando has been meeting with pastors to see if and when we can send a team to partner with them.  We look at many aspects and explain many things about who we are and how Praying Pelican Missions works.  Almando met with this pastor at our home.  We heard about him and his church because Almando's mom attends there but he didn't know what we did so he didn't approach us to ask for a team--this often happens.  He listened to Almando talk about what we would like to see in a partnership.  This pastor was on board right away.  He heard Almando's heart for ministry and then shared his vision for the church.  Currently there are 100 members--he has his sights on 1,000 for God's glory.  The church has a plan and programs in place for kids, youth, and adults.  They just needed a building.

The team arrived on Thursday last week and has been giving that building project a kick start as well as participating and leading different programs for the kids and the youth this week.  Pastor has been spending time with Terry--the group leader--and shared his heart.  Terry already had a love for Haiti, but caught the vision and the passion of the pastor and has been excited to serve along side him.  The week continues with more concrete, sand, kids, and fellowship.  I'm sure God is smiling down at this little community here in Haiti and watching with joy as His children--who can't even speak the same language--serve Him side by side.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

On the side...

It seems that the opportunities to minister are never lacking as The Lord gives Al and me the privilege to serve Him. Many times those opportunities are not in our plans, but they are in His.

In the past weeks and months I have noticed a theme in my "on the side" opportunities. Young women reaching out to find out how God called, led, and provides for me/us. He is faithful when you obey. I share my story with them and answer their specific questions and pray God would use my words and my story in some way to guide or inspire them.  It's been a blessing to be able to have this ministry on the side.

For Al, he's a builder.  You would see that if you came to our house with tools and a seemingly never ending list of things he has built for our home.  It's wonderful to be so talented in this way.  He has started to build things for other people who need them.  Pastor Samson's wife came to our house, saw a shelving unit we have in our storage room and asked Al if he could come build at their house. He did.  He and a friend of his are starting to look for more opportunities to bless those they come across with things they can build, whether that is shelves or tables.  God has blessed him with such talent--to serve Him.

How beautiful it is to be able to bless others with our story, our time, and our talents.  These are just ministries "on the side".  I love the opportunities that God gives us in our lives.  All the glory is to Him!