These last couple of weeks have been
overwhelming and restful at the same time. We have been busy working
on our house, meeting with pastors, visiting the two orphanages we
have partnerships with, and setting up ministry sites for teams who
will start arriving on Saturday. Just when we started getting used
to married life, we are hopping into a different “season”: Trip
Leading Season.
In March alone, Praying Pelican
Missions will be receiving over 140 short term missionaries in Haiti.
We will be serving in 4 different communities and will be working
with 4 different orphanages during this month. Almando and I will start off leading a group of 33 people serving at Life is Hope Orphanage. The Lord is really blessing this orphanage and all those who live there. Stay tuned to see how things have progressed! In the coming weeks, I will be working on blogging for our teams, so if I don't blog here, please check out the Praying Pelican Missions website to see what the teams we are leading are doing.
Be praying for us as we are kickin' our life into overdrive. Leading teams together will add a different dynamic to our marriage, so be praying that we continue to be completely centered on the Lord and what He wants for us! We desire to give Him all the glory and point to Him every moment of every day. He is so good to let us serve Him this way. Pray for us as we host guests in our home and in our country! For His glory!
Praying for you, Cassie! Love reading your words. :)