Monday, November 7, 2011

God will Provide.

My grandfather passed away almost four months ago now.  He was a great man of prayer and had an unshakable faith.  He had some tough times in the last 10 years of his life.  He lost his wife, Carol, to cancer, he had heart surgery a few months later, and finally he had pulmonary fibrosis which claimed his life.  His faith--he never lost that.

The Sunday before he went to be with the Lord, I went to visit him.  We talked about the sermon that morning, about my upcoming trip to Colorado, and about my ministry.  I was back in the states for a couple of months and I was really struggling with culture shock and wrapping my mind around what it looks like to be a missionary on stateside for a while.

One of the things I remember most about that conversation involved support.  Grandpa asked me how my support raising was going.  I answered with this:  "It's difficult...but I know God will provide...somehow?"  Grandpa looked at me very seriously and told me that I had to get rid of the "somehow" and "question mark" in my sentence.  I need to be confident in this:  God WILL provide.

Since then, God has continued to prove Himself faithful and my grandpa's advice stays with me.  I remember that God WILL provide for every need--every day.  I just have to remember to trust in the Lord and have unshakable faith like Grandpa.  And know.  God will provide.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that....God will provide...just like He provided you with a Grandpa that loved you and loved the Lord. We all miss his wit and wisdom...but God will provide!!!
