Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My English is Not So Long

Summers are incredibly busy for us.  We have led 9 short term mission trips in 9 different communities since May.  Besides leading those groups we have coordinated the staff, lodging, and projects for most of the other short term mission groups coming to serve here throughout the summer.  We have spent many days making and answering calls, texts, and emails communicating with all of our staff and pastors to make this summer of ministry as effective and encouraging as it can be for all involved.  This has been a challenging task this summer and has often left us exhausted at the end of each day.  What makes it worth it is knowing that we do all of this for the glory of God--and HE IS WORTHY!

Pastor Jacky stood in front of one of our teams this summer and spoke to them in English for a good while, then he threw his hands up and said, “My English is not so long!”  He continued his welcome speech with the help of Almando’s tongue.  We sometimes feel like that at this point of the year when we have been going and going and serving and serving and giving and giving.  We feel like throwing our hands up in the air and saying, “My strength is not so long!”  But God’s is.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  We rely on Him for our strength, of course, but as we start stretching ourselves to the limit, we know that His strength increases!  “Our strength is not so long!” But His is.

The stories we are hearing of God’s faithfulness coming out of all our mission teams have been amazing and encouraging.  We know that this is why we do what we do.  We love what we do and know that it is for God’s glory that we are doing all this and this is the busy season, so we prepared ourselves for that, but we are also grateful that this season will end soon and we can rest.

We are currently stateside for some time with family and some time visiting some of you!  We will be there for around 6 weeks and we are looking forward to what God has in store for us while we are there, whether that be travel, meetings, fellowship, or just rest. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to serve and give God all the glory.