Sometimes you will meet someone who reminds you of Hebrews 11: the Hall of Faith. This week I was reminded again of Hebrews 11 in someone I have known for a long time. Her name is Mona, but we call her Sister Mona. She has been serving in Haiti for 20 years but that doesn't make me think of the Hall of Faith, there is so much more to Sister Mona that does.
Good Shepherd Orphanage is where I met Sister Mona and also where 30+ kids live and many, many more find the love and care that they need. She loves all of the kids no matter where they come from and she wants to help the ones that she can. She knows she can't save every child in Haiti, but she can help those who are in front of her. And she does.

Each year, Good Shepherd Orphanage hosts a Christmas party for children in the Port-au-Prince area. They send out the buses to pick the kids up, bring them to have a wonderful meal, and receive a present before bringing them home. This would be a big undertaking for 50 kids, but they will be hosting almost 2,000 this year at this one party. Sister Mona loves putting all of this together so much that she has decided to bring the party to a couple other orphanages this year as well as the general hospital. She is planning it in faith as the funds have not come in to provide for the food...yet. God will make it happen.
Besides the Christmas season, Sister Mona works hard to help more kids get an education. She started a sponsorship program in which the children would receive everything they need for school for a year including one hot meal a day, books, uniforms, shoes, and book bags. This program had 22 children in it last year and 22 again this year even though the sponsors didn't renew their sponsorship. Sister Mona is providing these things for these 22 children knowing that God will move in hearts to sponsor these children through college. She is doing this by faith and was so excited to show me the packed book bags ready to deliver to the children when we visited her last week.
In serving at the orphanage, Sister Mona works by faith. In life, she does too. She considers herself a volunteer and trusts God with her every need. God provides. She knows this. She trusts that He always will. For her life and for the children.
God does the same for all of us, if we would let Him. What a great God we serve that we could just live and let Him work. One thing Sister Mona always tells me, "I don't even feel like I am working. I'm just having fun!" She just has peace from God and faith in Him that makes her find joy! All these things are from God. I am so thankful that I have a friend in Sister Mona who continues to show me and remind me that God is Faithful and He has a plan for each of us!